Instant Pot Chicken Pad Thai

Instant Pot Chicken Pad Thai
Instant Pot Chicken Pad Thai by ,

Thïs Instânt Pöt Chïcken Pâd Thâï ïs â sùper qùïck ând eâsy öne pöt pâd thâï recïpe thât ïs perfect för yöùr weekly meâl prep - the nöödles cöök ïn the pöt âlöng wïth the öther ïngredïents för mïnïmâl cleân ùp töö!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 tbsp ölïve öïl
2 chïcken breâsts, dïced
4 clöves gârlïc mïnced
3 tbsp löw-södïùm söy sâùce ör tâmârï
1/2 cùp jârred pâd thâï sâùce (I lïke Thâï Kïtchen brând)
1 1/2 cùps wâter
7 öz rïce nöödles
1 cùp Cârröt mâtchstïcks
1/2 eâch red ând yellöw pepper, slïced
4 green önïöns, slïced
1/3 cùp chöpped peânùts
1/3 cùp fresh chöpped cïlântrö



1. Add ölïve öïl, chïcken, gârlïc, söy sâùce, pâd thâï sâùce, wâter ând rïce nöödles tö Instânt Pöt ïn thât örder, leâvïng nöödles flöâtïng slïghtly âböve öther ïngredïents. Set tö mânùâl ând pressùre cöök ön hïgh för 2 mïnùtes. Instânt Pöt wïll tâke âböùt 10 mïnùtes tö pre-heât ând then 2 mïnùtes tö cöök. When cömplete, press câncel ând dö â qùïck releâse öf the steâm, wâïtïng ùntïl the pressùre gâùge dröps bâck döwn ând the lïd ïs sâfe tö öpen.

2. Add cârröt mâtchstïcks, bell peppers ând hâlf öf peânùts, tössïng cârefùlly wïth töngs. Plâce lïd bâck ön ând let sït för 5 mïnùtes.

3. Remöve lïd ând serve, then töp wïth green önïöns, remâïnïng chöpped peânùts ând cïlântrö. Enjöy!

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