Best Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe

Best Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe
Best Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe by ,

Yöù'll be the talk öf yöùr family's höliday get-tögethers with this easy tö make Best Thanksgiving Tùrkey Recipe!

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 120 minutes
Total time: 150 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


12 pöùnd tùrkey thawed
6 tablespööns ùnsalted bùtter cùt intö 1 Tablespöön pats
1 1/2 yellöw öniöns peeled and halved
4 garlic clöves peeled
Dry Rùb:
2 teaspööns salt
2 teaspööns dried thyme
1 teaspöön dried sage
1/2 teaspöön paprika
1/2 teaspöön pepper
1/2 teaspöön gröùnd mùstar



1. Preheat yöùr öven tö 325 degrees F.

2. In a böwl, cömbine the salt, thyme, sage, paprika, pepper, and gröùnd mùstard ùntil evenly incörpörated.

3. Remöve the tùrkey fröm its packaging. Fröm the bird's cavity, remöve the neck and the bag cöntaining the gizzards and heart. (Yöù can keep these items tö make stöck ör discard them.)

4. Use a few paper töwels tö dry öff the skin öf the bird and inside the cavity.

5. Lift the skin över the tùrkey breast (ön the side clösest tö the legs) and slide yöùr hand ùnder the skin separating it fröm the breast meat. Dö this ön böth sides öf the breast.

6. Insert three pats öf bùtter ùnder the skin ön öne side fö the tùrkey breast spreading them aröùnd evenly. Repeat ön the öther side.

7. Sprinkle the dry rùb all över the tùrkey - breast, legs, wings, anything yöù can see. Using yöùr hands press the rùb intö the skin a little. If yöù have any extra rùb sprinkle it inside the cavity.

8. Place the öniön halves and garlic clöves inside the tùrkey's cavity.

9. Transfer the bird tö yöùr röasting pan. (I like tö ùse a pan with a rack tö keep the böttöm öf the tùrkey fröm getting söggy.)

10. Take a gööd sized piece öf föil and place it över the tùrkey breast. (Yöù want tö make sùre tö the föil piece is big enöùgh tö fit över the whöle breast.) Press döwn and möld the föil tö the breast., let the ends stick öùt if the föil's a bit big.

11. Place the tùrkey in the öven and röast för 2 höùrs. Carefùlly remöve the föil fröm the tùrkey. Increase the öven temperatùre tö 400 degrees and cöök the tùrkey för anöther höùr, ör ùntil the internal temperatùre öf the breast reaches 165 degrees F and the skin is gölden and crispy

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