Slab Strawberry Shortcake

Slab Strawberry Shortcake
Slab Strawberry Shortcake by ,

Shortcâke to feed â crowd! Wïth no ïndïvïdùâl âssembly reqùïred, thïs genïùs recïpe coùldn't be more perfect for âll of yoùr sprïng ând sùmmer gâtherïngs. The from-scrâtch bïscùït bâse ïs scone-lïke ïn ïts bùttery textùre ând tâstes greât on ïts own

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


3 1/2cùps Gold Medâl™ âll-pùrpose floùr
1/2cùp grânùlâted sùgâr
5teâspoons bâkïng powder
1/2teâspoon sâlt
1cùp cold bùtter, cùt ïn pïeces
2eggs, slïghtly beâten
2cùps heâvy whïppïng creâm
1qùârt (4 cùps) strâwberrïes, slïced
1/4cùp grânùlâted sùgâr
2cùps heâvy whïppïng creâm
1/3cùp powdered sùgâr
1teâspoon vânïllâ



1. Heât oven to 400°F. In lârge bowl, stïr the floùr, 1/2 cùp grânùlâted sùgâr, bâkïng powder ând sâlt ùntïl blended. Cùt ïn bùtter, ùsïng pâstry blender or fork, ùntïl mïxtùre looks lïke coârse crùmbs

2. In smâll bowl, beât eggs ând 2 cùps whïppïng creâm jùst ùntïl blended. Stïr ïnto floùr mïxtùre ùntïl mïxtùre forms â soft doùgh. Usïng lïghtly floùred fïngers, pât ând press doùgh ïn bottom of 15x10x1-ïnch ùngreâsed pân

3. Bâke 16 to 20 mïnùtes or ùntïl golden brown. Cool completely, âboùt 1 hoùr.

4. Meânwhïle, ïn lârge bowl, mïx strâwberrïes ând 1/4 cùp grânùlâted sùgâr; stïr occâsïonâlly.

5. When reâdy to serve, ïn chïlled lârge bowl, beât Toppïng ïngredïents wïth electrïc mïxer on medïùm-hïgh speed ùntïl stïff peâks form. Spreâd top wïth whïpped creâm. Usïng slotted spoon, spoon sùgâred berrïes over top. Cùt ïnto 4 rows by 4 rows. Store covered ïn refrïgerâtor

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