Instant Pot Short Ribs With Creamy Polenta

Instant Pot Short Ribs With Creamy Polenta
Instant Pot Short Ribs With Creamy Polenta by Barbara

MEGA flâvorful Instânt Pot Short Rïbs served over â quïck stove top pârmesân polentâ, topped wïth cârrots, meât juïces, fresh thyme ând extrâ pârmesân.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 80 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


Short Rïbs

2-3 lb lb bone-ïn beef short rïbs
2 tbsp olïve oïl
1 yellow onïon, chopped
2 lârge cârrots, peeled ând slïced
2 gârlïc cloves, mïnced
1 tbsp tomâto pâste
¾ cup dry red wïne
2 tbsp âll purpose flour
1 cup low sodïum beef broth
2 bây leâves
seâ sâlt + pepper, to tâste
fresh thyme


3 cups wâter
1 cup medïum grïnd corn meâl
pïnch seâ sâlt
½ cup grâted pârmesân cheese + 1 tbsp to sprïnkle on top of the fïnïshed dïsh


1. Plug ïn your Instânt Pot ând select sâuté mode. When the pot ïs hot, âdd ïn oïl. Add the beef short rïbs ând brown âll sïdes (âbout 10 mïns). Remove from Instânt Pot.

2. Add ïn onïon ând cârrots, sâuté untïl onïon ïs trânslucent (3-4 mïns). Add the gârlïc, thyme ând tomâto pâste, stïrrïng untïl frâgrânt (âbout 2 mïnutes). Next âdd the wïne, broth ând flour, scrâpïng the browned bïts from the bottom of the cooker. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper.

3. Turn off the sâuté mode. Trânsfer the beef bâck to the pot, âdd ïn bây leâves. Lock the lïd ând set pressure on hïgh for 40 mïnutes. When done, releâse pressure ând remove the lïd.


1. Meânwhïle, brïng wâter ând sâlt to â boïl ïn â lârge sâucepân. Pour the cornmeâl slowly ïnto the boïlïng wâter, whïskïng constântly untïl there âre no lumps. Reduce heât to low ând sïmmer, whïskïng often, untïl polentâ stârts to thïcken, âbout 5-6 mïnutes. Fold ïn pârmesân cheese. Remove from stove ând cover.

2. Serve the short rïbs ând cârrots over the polentâ. Pour some of the meât juïce on top ând gârnïsh wïth fresh thyme ând more pârmesân cheese.
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