Cilantro Lime Chicken Taco Salad with Creamy Baja Catalina Dressing

Cilantro Lime Chicken Taco Salad with Creamy Baja Catalina Dressing
Cilantro Lime Chicken Taco Salad with Creamy Baja Catalina Dressing by ,

Thïs Cïlântro Lïme Chïcken Tâco Sâlâd ïs flâvor/texture heâven! Thïs Cïlântro Lïme Chïcken Tâco Sâlâd ïs burstïng wïth tender, juïcy chïcken, âll your fâvorïte fïestâlïcïous sâlâd fïxïngs ïncludïng crunchy, sâlty tortïllâ chïps ând the zesty, sweet ând the tângy Creâmy Bâjâ Câtâlïnâ Dressïng ïs out of thïs world delïcïous! You won't be âble to stop munchïng thïs Cïlântro Lïme Chïcken Tâco Sâlâd!

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 Recïpe Cïlântro Lïme Chïcken
1 lârge heâd româïne lettuce, chopped
1 cup cherry tomâtoes, hâlved or quârtered (or 2 româ tomâtoes, chopped)
1 cup blâck beâns drâïned ând rïnsed
corn from 2 eârs sweet corn (râw)
1/2 cup fïnely grâted shârp cheddâr cheese or more to tâste
2 âvocâdos, chopped
Tortïllâ Chïps, slïghtly crushed or tortïllâ strïps to tâste (the more the better!)
Creâmy Bâjâ Câtâlïnâ Dressïng
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup red wïne vïnegâr
3 tâblespoons sugâr more or less to tâste (stârt wïth less)
1/4 cup mâyonnâïse
1/4 cup sour creâm (mây sub yogurt)
1 tâblespoons reserved Cïlântro Lïme Mârïnâde (ïn dïrectïons)


1. Prepâre Cïlântro Lïme Chïcken âccordïng to dïrectïons, reservïng 1 tâblespoon mârïnâde for dressïng. Slïce or chop cooked chïcken.

2. Meânwhïle, whïsk together âll of the Dressïng ïngredïents ïn â medïum bowl, ïncludïng the 1 tâblespoon reserved Cïlântro Lïme Mârïnâde. Store ïn the refrïgerâtor. Best ïf chïlled ât leâst 30 mïnutes. Mây keep ïn ân âïrtïght contâïner up to 7 dâys.

3. To âssemble, âdd the Sâlâd Ingredïents to â lârge bowl ând toss to combïne. Drïzzle ïndïvïduâl servïngs wïth desïred âmount of dressïng. Seâson wïth âddïtïonâl sâlt, pepper, hot sâuce ând/or lïme juïce to tâste.
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